The good folks at Quirk Books asked me in the early aughts to write an etiquette guide and it’s been in print ever since. I also wrote a sequel, How To Behave: Dating & Sex. They’re a good resource if you’ve ever wondered things like: Is there a polite way to “shush” a chatty person at the movies? What do you do when the person sitting next to you on the plane is hogging your arm rest? Also, why doesn’t anyone in the grocery store seem to understand the basic rules of shopping cart navigation and right-of-way? How To Behave is for sale at Amazon.
Here are some of my favorite reviews:
“Tiger taps into the varied interpersonal crises of contemporary culture and schools you on how to handle them with as much grace as possible, modern-day Miss Manners style. Every single person in this country perpetrates some combination of the subtle atrocities she details. If you think you don’t, then this book will help you cope with the jerks who do.” — NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
“Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and again. And sometimes among the little advice books, there’s one that actually has useful advice. ‘How to Behave: A Guide to Modern Manners for the Socially Challenged’ is one of those good ones.” — MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL
“Here’s a book that should be on everyone’s shelf.” — ARIZONA DAILY STAR
“Tiger readies us to meet the mooncalves with an army of retorts and reactions that are often helpful, intermittently clever, and unfailingly amusing….How to Behave is a reassuring read for those who believe they’re the only ones driven to madness by the incivility of others.” —WASHINGTON CITY PAPER
“…it’s not the usual Emily Post rules (like we really care which bloomin’ fork we use at a fancy scoff). No, this is geared more to everyday situations such as subway seating, road-rage survival, crowded-elevator positioning, movie-theatre behaviour and shopping cart navigation. It’s well-written, hip and cute, but it really does offer a lot of sensible advice on how to comport yourself in countless different situations.” — TORONTO SUN