The Long Distance Relationship Guide (Quirk Books)

I pitched this book when I was in a long-distance relationship and didn’t see any books on the shelves for LDDs (long-distance daters). The LDRG came out in 2005 and is a mix of helpful advice from the experts and long-distance couples I interviewed, entertaining sidebars, and empathy and commiseration. Available at Amazon.

Some reviews:

“Pick up Caroline Tiger’s tiny volume with the big title — ‘The Long-Distance Relationship Guide: Advice for the Geographically Challenged’ — and if you’re in an LDR (long-distance relationship), you will find consolation. You’ll also find a few laughs, a quiz or two, a history lesson (five words: you are not the first) plus an abundance of acronyms (LDP = long-distance partner, for example).” — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

“This guide is written in a straight-forward manner and offers useful advice. It probably won’t save troubled LDRs, but it certainly might ease the hardship of a good, solid one.” — ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH

“This little book is full of important information for couples that spend more time on the phone than in person. Based on scientific studies as well as first-hand stories, this little guide is what you need to help master the challenges of long-distance relationships.” — MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE